So much food waste, so little recycling in Singapore [News]
More shoppers bringing their own bags for grocery shopping [News]
NEA plan seeks to limit damage from landfill expansion [News]
Recycling incentive schemes yet to gain widespread support [News]
Panasonic Initiates Pilot Heartland E-Waste Recycling Programme for Home Appliances in Singapore [Press Release]
Pilot electronic waste recycling programme launched [News]
S’pore’s increasing waste poses potential crisis [News]
More Companies Adopt 3R Initiatives in Singapore as Waste Management Industry Explore Ways to Raise Productivity [Press Release]
Why Singaporeans can't say "No" to plastic bags [News]
Going green, Biomax turns poo to profit [News]
Giving Books a New Lease of Life at Book Exchange 2013 [Press Releases]
From chicken droppings to biofuel [News]
Singapore Waste Statistics 2012
Excerpts fron the Speech by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Committee of Supply Debate 2013 [Speeches]
Excerpts from the Speech by Ms Grace Fu, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, at the Eco-products International Fair 2013 [Speeches]
IKEA to stop providing plastic bags [News]
Study: Underground landfill possible [News]
New Campaign to Reduce Food Waste in Singapore
Save Food Cut Waste
Trash Is A Resource - Segregate Them For Recycling [Press Releases]
Trash is resource if you recycle it [News]