Singapore Waste Statistics from 2003 to 2014
Singapore Waste Statistics 2014
Less waste generated, but less recycling too [News]
Singapore's recycling rates drop for first time in 15 years [News]
Speech by Ms Grace Fu, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Committee of Supply Debate - Waste Management [Speech]
Composting slowly taking root in Singapore [News]
2 pilots on recycling food waste [News]
3 things you can do today on food waste
Electronic Waste Management Made Easier With Implemention Of National Standard [Press Release]
Upward trend in recycling e-waste [News]
30% rise in demand for second-hand goods: Salvation Army [News]
Experts call for more to be done to tackle food waste [News]
NEA launches ‘no waste days’ challenge [News]
It is time for Singapore to reduce plastic disposables
Insights on the Circular Economy in Singapore
My Journey as a Novice Ethical Clothing Consumer
RUN 350 [Event]
Household Recycling Study: Summary
Learn to Say 'NO'
An idea to charge for plastic bags on weekends [News]
Behavioural Change Crucial to Reduction in Plastic Bag Wastage [Press Release]