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Lionel Dorai
Partnerships Associate Director


No stranger to the social sector, Lionel ran numerous successful fundraising campaigns with ACRES, a local wildlife charity, including #KeepTheDriveAlive, which raised more than $100,000 to procure a new Wildlife rescue van.


He was subsequently Chief Executive of Futuready Asia, a youth development organisation, while co-running Character and Leadership Academy, a charity championing mental health topics among youth. He was also the Secretary General of ASEAN Youth Community – initiated to bring ASEAN youth together to achieve sustainable development goals.


During the Covid-19 Pandemic, he ran Operation HandsOn, which saw 55,000 needy elderly learning how to defend themselves from Covid-19.


He is currently the Partnerships Associate Director at Zero Waste Singapore, and hopes to utilise his experience in communications and the social sector to effect positive change in how we view waste.

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